Early Childhood Education
Early childhood education and parent engagement services can be accessed through the Early Childhood Cooperative. This cooperative supports early education professionals in effectively teaching and creating a learning environment for young learners. The goal is to provide professional development, technical coaching, school readiness guidance, and program development for teachers serving young learners (pre-K through grade 2). The audience includes teachers - both new to the profession and experienced - and administrators on early education campuses.
- Provide one customized onsite campus support visit
- Reduced fee for additional professional development
- Reduced fee for Early Childhood Symposium
- Assistance with early childhood community agency collaborations
- Support early childhood campus principals, teachers, and paraprofessionals
- Support Texas School Ready! activities
- Support LEAs in providing high quality parent engagement activities
- Support through Early Childhood Leadership meetings
Technical Assistance
- Coach new early childhood staff
- Assist teachers with classroom management, room arrangement, small and large group activities, lesson planning, technology skills, and assessment tools (including CIRCLE PM, TX-KEA, and TPRI)
Sample Professional Development Opportunities
(Customized PD Available) Focusing on Pre-K through Grade 2:
- Classroom Management
- Challenging Behavior
- Students with Special Needs
- Infant and Toddler Development
- Implementing Literacy Components
- Lesson Planning
- Math
- Science
- Pre-K Guidelines
- Small Group Instruction
- Technology in the Classroom
- CIRCLE Training
- Early Childhood Symposium
- Progress Monitoring
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