Educator Preparation Program » Helpful Links

Helpful Links

Texas Educator Certification Examination Program (TExES)

Information about teacher/principal certification tests, test preparation, registering for a test, and viewing your test scores.


Texas Education Agency (TEA) – Educator Certification Page 

Information on certification rules, official records of teaching certificates, fingerprinting, and a great deal of other information regarding teacher certification in Texas.


Texas Education Agency (TEA) – Consumer Information Page Consumer Information on our program and other programs in Texas


Texas Education Agency (TEA) - Complaints and Grievances

 Information on how to file a complaint on an Educator Preparation Program.  The complaint procedure adopted by the ESC2 Educator Preparation Advisory Board may be obtained by contacting our office.


Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

The TOEFL exam is required for those who have earned their college degree at a university where English is not the first language. The TOEFL measures how well you read, listen, speak and write in English.