Educator Preparation Program » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a bachelor’s degree required? Yes. The state requires that teachers hold at least a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university.


Am I required to pass a Pre-Admission Certification Test (PACT) in order to enter the program? No, but you must pass a content test administered by the Education Service Center as part of the application process.


How long does the program take? The program takes approximately 17 months. 


Who provides the training? Training is provided by ESC2 staff, classroom teachers, and other outside consultants.


Where does the training take place? Training is a combination of online modules and face-to-face instruction. All of the pre-service training is completed online.


What kind of certificate do I earn? During the first year of teaching you will be issued a one-year Probationary Texas Teaching License or Intern Texas Teaching License. Upon successful completion of the program, you will be issued a 5-year renewable Texas Standard Teaching License.


Do I have to attend all training sessions? Yes, attendance is closely monitored. Non-compliance with the attendance policy can result in dismissal from the program.


Does ESC2 place interns in teaching jobs with the Local Education Agency (LEA)? No. Each candidate is responsible for securing his/her own employment with an LEA. The staff at Region 2 assists candidates by providing LEAs with a list of the candidates, their teaching field and their contact information. Local Education Agencies include School Districts and Charter Schools.


Am I paid a salary during my internship year?  There are two types of internships: paid internship and clinical teaching. 1. During a paid internship, the candidate is hired by a LEA as the teacher of record and paid a salary determined by the LEA. 2. Clinical teaching is an unpaid internship. The clinical teacher will complete a 14 –week teaching practicum with an experiences certified teacher of record.


Can I take a part-time teaching job? To meet the state certification requirements and intern must teach the majority of the instructional day in your approved certification area (s). Who assigns my mentor? The campus principal assigns a mentor.


Can I coach while I am an intern? Yes. However, coaching responsibilities cannot interfere with the required Ed Prep Trainings. Athletic directors are contacted by service center personnel and the requirements of the program are explained to the AD.


What kind of support will I received during my internship? You will be supported by a campus mentor, a campus administrator, and a field supervisor from the ESC2.


Can I complete the internship teaching at a community college or university? No. The internship must be in an EC-12 setting.


Can I move to another campus or LEA during my internship? No, you are not allowed to change your teaching assignment during the one –year internship. You may change to another campus at the LEA’s request or reassignment.


Can I teach outside Region 2? Yes. An internship may be served in any public school, charter school, or accredited private school in the state of Texas. There is an additional $1000.00 fee if the LEA is outside of Region 2.  


Am I guaranteed a job if I complete my training? Education careers are subject to the same supply and demand forces as any other workforce. In the last 3 cycles, over 90% of applicants who met hiring requirements procured jobs in teaching.


How can I check the compare the performance over time for the ESC2 Program? The following link contains several measures of performance for our program as well as other programs in our area: 


What about Criminal Background Checks?  All candidates must undergo a criminal history background check prior to employment as an educator or clinical teaching. TEA will perform a preliminary check for a fee if you are concerned that something on your record will prevent you from being certified: Here is a link to more information: