Career & Technical Education » CTE Carl Perkins - SSA

CTE Carl Perkins - SSA

The Career and Technical Education (CTE) Carl Perkins Shared Services Arrangement (SSA) is committed to raising awareness of the obligations and opportunities in the area of Career and Technical Education as we work to improve student achievement and prepare a post secondary-ready generation through project-based learning and integration of the core curriculum. The CTE Carl Perkins SSA provides services to schools that are required, due to allotment amount (less than$15,000), or choose for programmatic or fiscal reasons to select Education Service Center, Region 2, as their fiscal agent. As the fiscal agent the ESC-2 CTE Program, in coordination with the SSA members, will determine mutually beneficial uses for the Carl Perkins allotment. Benefits of the CTE Carl Perkins SSA include reduced fees for onsite training and assistance


  • Assist LEA with the delivery of services in coordination with other service providers
  • Assist LEA in the acquisition of curriculum materials, support materials, and equipment
  • Assist LEA with planning, designing, and implementing CTE Programs of Study
  • Provide customized onsite services in the areas of needs assessment, partnership development, and program evaluation
  • Serve as fiscal agent for the project that includes application, amendment preparation, and fiscal reporting requirements
  • Assist LEA in the implementation of CTE TEKS
  • Provide LEAs with career investigation, financial aid, and career portfolio support for all students


Additional Optional Services

  • Onsite civil rights training
  • Program planning and evaluation
  • Dual credit and articulation assistance
  • Methods of administration TEA onsite review preparation services
  • Programs of Study audit and endorsement support


Sample Professional Development Opportunities

  • Work-Based Learning Teacher Education
  • CTE Advisory Council requirements
  • Career Inventory Implementation
  • Integration of CTE into core curriculum
  • Meeting the needs special populations in CTE classrooms
  • One-day onsite needs assessment of CTE program
  • Quarterly networking meetings for CTE administrators at no charge