Social Studies » Remote Learning Resources

Remote Learning Resources

General Resources

Khan Academy - Humanities

Khan Academy - Schedules 

  • Grade Levels:  4-12
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Humanities - Content/Assessments, Schedules - Suggested daily schedules for students during school closure

Reading Like a Historian

  • Grade Levels:  8th, World History, U.S. History
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  DBQs/modified vocabulary primary sources with graphic organizers

Bill of Rights Institute

  • Grade Levels:  8th, U.S. History
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Current Events & eLessons, Institute Curricula - free books for teachers and lessons


  • Grade Levels:  8th, U.S. History
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Games, Lessons with text

National Archive - ebooks

National Archive - Docs Teach

  • Grade Levels:  8th, U.S. History
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description: ebooks - Four ebooks with lessons on Political Cartoons in U.S. History, Docs Teach - Interactive/U.S. Primary documents


  • Grade Levels:  8th, U.S. History
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  A.P. U.S. History Content, U.S. History-Videos 

Adventure Tales of America

  • Grade Levels:  8th, U.S. History
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description: Free illustrated U.S. History Books for students/Free teacher’s guide and student activities book. 

Franklin D. Roosevelt Library

  • Grade Levels:  8th, U.S. History
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Great Depression and WWII curriculum and videos 

Smithsonian - Explore

Smithsonian - Fun Stuff for Kids

Smithsonian - History Explorer

Smithsonian - Education Guides

Smithsonian - Choice Boards

  • Grade Levels:  Various (see description below)
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Explore - Grades 7-12 - Explore artifacts organized by topic, Fun Stuff for Kids - Grades K-8 - Animal Webcams, Activities, Games, History Explorer - Elementary - Lessons, artifacts, primary sources, worksheets, Education Guides - Grades PK-12 - Activities and lessons from the Smithsonian, Choice Boards - Grades 4-8 - Weekly choice boards for Social Studies,Science, Arts 

Scholastic - History Mystery

  • Grade Levels:  Elementary
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  History Mystery Game - U.S. and World History

Kids Discover - Free Access Instructions

Kids Discover - Discover Map

  • Grade Levels:  K-12 
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Free Access Instructions - directions for getting free access to website for 3 months, Discover Map - World History, U.S. History, Geography, Historical Figures 

Discovery Education

  • Grade Levels:  K-12 
  • Audience:  Principals, Superintendents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Principals and superintendents must fill out the Experience Access Request form for access

Google Slides Hyperdoc

  • Grade Levels:  K-12 
  • Audience:  Teachers
  • Price:  Free
  • Description: YouTube video on how to create Google Slides Hyperdocs 


  • Grade Levels:  K-12 
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Articles/Current Events

Texas Law Related Education

  • Grade Levels:  K-12 
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Civics/Government Lesson Plans, games


  • Grade Levels:  3-12 
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Lessons plans, artifacts, video using the historical and current news

Garland ISD

  • Grade Levels:  6-12
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  All textbooks, including sociology 

History Labs

  • Grade Levels:  6-12
  • Audience:  Teachers
  • Price:  Free

History Inquiries

  • Grade Levels:  6-12
  • Audience:  Teachers
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Inquiry Design Model lessons and activities

Constitutional Rights Foundation

  • Grade Levels:  6-12
  • Audience:  Teachers
  • Price:  Free
  • Description: Ideas on how to use their resources with Google Classroom 

Digital Civics Toolkit

  • Grade Levels:  6-12
  • Audience:  Teachers
  • Price:  Free
  • Description: Civics lessons you can use on-line or from your Google Classroom 

Bullock Museum

  • Grade Levels:  K-12
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Livestream Programs, Texas History Tuesdays

Law Related Education

  • Grade Levels:  K-12
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  U.S. government/document games Spanish and English

Storyline Online

  • Grade Levels:  K-6
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description: Children's books on all subjects read by actors. 


  • Grade Levels:  5-12
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Lessons built around TED talks and TED-Ed.

Humanities Texas

  • Grade Levels:  7-12
  • Audience:  Teachers
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Resource Guides for 7th, 8th, 11th and ELAR includes lectures from professors

Library of Congress

  • Grade Levels:  K-6
  • Audience:  Teachers, Students, Parents
  • Price:  Free
  • Description:  Lessons, activities, artifacts and other resources

World Geography

All resources below are free for use by teachers, students, and parents.


Videos List

  • Curated by Gigi Gransden, Social Studies Specialist, ESC 2 Region 2

Google Earth

  • Games/Tour Builder

Exploring Africa

  • Text-Activities and Information


  • Geography games using Google Earth

South Asia


NASA Earth Observatory

Hinduism 101:  Religions in Global History

  • YouTube video: Hip Hughes

The Silk Road

  • TED Ed-video, assessments, writing

Korean War Overview

  • Khan Academy - on-line lecture with video

How Did Korea Split?

  • CNN video

Vietnam War

  • Khan Academy - on-line lecture with video

World History

All resources below are free for use by teachers, students, and parents.

World History For Us All

  • Divided up by eras/Teaching Units in PDF format

Reading Like a Historian

  • Lessons based on primary sources/modified documents

Khan Academy

  • Content by era


  • Democracy

PBS Lesson Plans


  • Industrial Revolution lesson plan

University of California - Irvine

  • The History Project-Lessons on Democratic Revolutions, Industrial Revolutions, WWI, WWII

U.S. History

All resources below are free for use by teachers, students, and parents.

Civil Rights Movement


  • Lesson plans, timelines. maps, video

Teaching American History

  • Civil Rights Toolkit-lesson plans, essential documents, resources

Teaching Tolerance

  • Lesson plans, articles

Facing History and Ourselves

  • Units, lessons, readings

PBS Learning Media

  • Civil Rights Then and Now looks at different areas: Voting Rights, Poverty, Segregation. Videos

1970's - 1990's

PBS NewsHour Extra

  • Lesson plan: Watergate and the limits of presidential power

National Archives - Docs Teach

  • Nixon visits China: The Week that Changed the World-Teaching instructions,video, sequencing activity

BrainPOP Educators

  • Lessons plans

PBS Learning Media

UMBC Center for History Education

  • Iran-Contra Affair History Lab lesson

Digital Public Library of America

  • Rise of Conservatism in the 1980s Teaching Guide