Data Processing » TSDS Cooperative

TSDS Cooperative

The Texas Student Data System (TSDS), a major initiative of the Texas Education Agency, is a statewide system that modernizes and improves the quality of data collection, management, and reporting in Texas public education. Through ongoing improvements to its suite of applications, TSDS will equip educators and stakeholders with timely access to student data and reporting functionality. As the data collected by the state increases in both volume and complexity, the ESC-2 strives to provide resources and training for LEAs to ensure the accuracy of TSDS and PEIMS data. ESC-2 offers enhanced assistance for all TSDS Core Collections and the four PEIMS submissions and resubmissions.

Services Included

Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data is reported through four collections throughout the school year. PEIMS is used to analyze Texas public education data through data reports, evaluations, Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR), accountability ratings, and funding calculations.

TSDS Unique ID System (UID) enables local education agencies to create randomly generated unique identifiers to support all the subsystems of TSDS and to provide cleaner longitudinal education data.

Texas Record Exchange (TREx) is a web-based software application designed to facilitate the exchange of electronic student records.

Core Collections

Early Childhood Data System (ECDS) was the first of a proposed 200 collections to be submitted through this system. This collection informs parents, school administrators, the public, statewide stakeholders, community, and policymakers about the quality of early childhood education. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten data submissions are due twice each school year.

Class Roster data will be submitted twice each school year in fall and winter. The purpose of the Class Roster Collection is to collect the information required to link a student’s assessment results to the teacher who provided the associated instruction and enables the vendor to return assessment results to TEA at the class roster level.

SPPI- 14 is the first of the State Performance Plan Indicators for Special Education to move into the TSDS ecosystem. Collections are due once each school year.

RF Tracker reports on the availability and use of residential facilities by LEAs. Updates are tracked throughout the school year and finalized and reported to TEA in July.

Office of Civil Rights (OCR) Collection is a federal data collection also supported through the TSDS Cooperative. The OCR data collection is a mandated, biennial survey of public schools.


Technical Assistance

  • Interpretation and resolution of data validation errors
  • TSDS Incident Management System (TIMS) ticket resolution or escalation
  • TEAL access


Professional Development and Technical Training Opportunities

Available for all of the services listed above. Additional opportunities include:

  • Semi-Annual TSDS PEIMS Coordinator Update (Fall & Spring)
  • TSDS Technical Data Steward Training
  • TSDS PEIMS Administrator Overview
  • Student Attendance Accounting Handbook (SAAH)
  • Chapter 37 Discipline and Leaver Reporting
  • Customized training per LEA needs


Onsite TSDS/PEIMS Services

LEAs occasionally need qualified TSDS personnel assistance or onsite training. Cooperative members receive the ESC-2 cooperative discount pricing for this support.


Programs and Services Catalog

Please click here to view our programs and services catalog for more information on joining the TSDS Cooperative.